Found Scores: Listening in a time of Crisis

This is the abstract of my PhD thesis including the portfolio outline


In a time of crisis, whether social, environmental, or existential, conventional music forms often struggle to fully express the complexity and urgency of life experiences. In my thesis, I propose the found score as an approach to a sonic landscape and music that goes beyond the limitations of traditional notation systems by focusing on senses beyond hearing and seeing – using speculative listening and interactive approaches. In my methodology, I actively interpret these elements to create connections within an imagined sonic environment from various disciplines: medicine, handcraft, geography, literature, and media. Besides, I am using different practices including medical technology, textile, and cartography to establish a listening medium based on touch, smell and taste that reimagines the music score as collection of found materials from everyday surroundings.

I integrate critical scholarship and creative practice to showcase nine distinct Found Score projects. These projects encompass the process of exploration of found scores for ECG machines, Carpet, Book, Radio Circuit Board, and Map. My objective is to cultivate listening for touch, smell, and taste through the found score to develop interdisciplinary collaboration and community involvement. The concept of found Scores reimagines the sonic multi-sensory storytelling, collaborative practices and the socio-political of artistic labour by emphasising other senses: touch, smell and taste and the mutual exchange between the creator and the environment of their practice.

Everything is Illegal

Telepathic Performance – Found score of illegal stories. Everything [IS] Illegal for a verbal score of narrative stories of people’s and artists’ experiences with the meaning of illegality interrelated with the notion of noise. It shows another aspect of radio frequencies. This score was written for Voice and Radiola Springs (prepared viola with springs and…

Urgent Listening

Previous title: Listening Urgency is a live Performance with an ensemble for open radio – telepathic performance and workshop. In times of contact restrictions, the radio is even more of an instrument to bridge the isolation. What role does listening play in times of crisis? In his project “Listening’s Urgency” the sound artist Hardi Kurda, explores…

The Latest News

For newspaper and interactive performance with map and pulse oximeter. This Found  Score interacts with the latest newspaper from where the version/performance takes place. Here The found score deconstruct the newspapers and the map of the place/city, and together with a plus oximeter that interacts with the musician’s heart pulses, it creates an interactive performance.…

Sounding Carpet & Magnified Face

Version one:The found score of carpet and interactive carpet.The Sounding carpet is an interactive sound art project for a Kurdish carpet. It uses interactive sound art; the audience can dig their fingers into the carpet to connect, transform, and decode the carpet symbols from the past into the present by listening to radio noises. Duration…

Recycling Objects

The found score of The Recycling Object – Recycling Object, 2016 Previous title, Cartographic Notation of Recycling Objects (RO): The found score of recycling objects and a real-time cartographic score of a city map, projecting The found score on a sounding table. The performers play with the objects on the projected found score on the…

Vibration of Books

Previous title, Time – Place – Space (TPS): Interactive performance in the library for prepared strings with plastic film; wrap around the bridge, thin metal wires, and plastic cub; the thin metal wires connected the bow which goes to the bottom of a plastic cub. The Performer interpreted printed material from the library. The library…

Diagnosis Machine

It also has a Swedish title under, Diagnosmaskinen: Interactive sound installation and real-time score. This project is for an ECG monitor from hospital (Electrocardiography). The users (visitors, patients, and hospital employees) touch the sensors of the monitor, which normally placed on the chest of the patient. By touching the sensors, the coloured curves on the…

Open Ensemble

Body noise, ear defender headphone, chair and everyday objects: an installation for for more than one performer.  The project explores a listening experience where the body disconnects from the mind. The audience members are the performers: they listen to noises produce from their body when the ear defender headphone blocks their listening and try to…

The Conversation

(Based on the date and place when the performance takes place): previous title, Conversation – Improvisation – Composition (CIC). The musicians record their conversation same day of the performance and one using transcription of the audio files to text for the performance in real time during the performance with a era defender to react one…