Category Interactive

Your Resonance

Your Resonance based on Hardi’s mother health check diary book she passed away in 2019 the work dedicated to her. Hardi want to feel her resonance and share it with audience, he connected the ECG monitor to his body generating…

Illegal Frequency

This works as an interactive radio antenna. Performance – Interactive Installation. Recreates a listening map Hardi made after becoming lost while crossing the Mediterranean Sea in a shipping container, using the different news broadcasts that radio broadcasts could pick up…

The Latest News

For newspaper and interactive performance with map and pulse oximeter. This Found  Score interacts with the latest newspaper from where the version/performance takes place. Here The found score deconstruct the newspapers and the map of the place/city, and together with…

Illegal Score – Dukan Dam

This found score is a performance/installation of an Electricity Network Map of Dukan-Dam in Kurdistan, Iraq. Dukan-Dam is an illegal score and has two versions: (i) video score, musicians will follow the coloured drawings on the video. This Performance is…

Recycling Objects

The found score of The Recycling Object – Recycling Object, 2016 Previous title, Cartographic Notation of Recycling Objects (CNRO): The found score of recycling objects and a real-time cartographic score of a city map, projecting The found score on a…

The Vibration of Books

Previous title, Time – Place – Space (TPS): Interactive performance in the library for prepared strings with plastic film; wrap around the bridge, thin metal wires, and plastic cub; the thin metal wires connected the bow which goes to the…

Diagnosis Machine

It also has a Swedish title under, Diagnosmaskinen: Interactive sound installation and real-time score. This project is for an ECG monitor from hospital (Electrocardiography). The users (visitors, patients, and hospital employees) touch the sensors of the monitor, which normally placed…

Open Ensemble

Body noise, ear defender headphone, chair and everyday objects: an installation for for more than one performer.  The project explores a listening experience where the body disconnects from the mind. The audience members are the performers: they listen to noises…

The Conversation

(Based on the date and place when the performance takes place): previous title, Conversation – Improvisation – Composition (CIC). The musicians record their conversation same day of the performance and one using transcription of the audio files to text for…